Minor Lifestyle Modifications That Can Help Prevent Future Oral Emergencies

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Oral injuries and dental emergencies can be a serious cause for concern. In many cases, the trauma, treatment, and potential complications can be costly and can impact your quality of life. At the same time, there are a few simple lifestyle modifications you can adopt to help prevent future problems.

You should actively work on breaking bad habits like chewing on pens and pencils or crunching on ice. This also extends to using your teeth as tools. They can cause chips, cracks, and fractures in tooth enamel.

If you are an athlete participating in rigorous athletic activities or contact sports, you need to use a quality mouthguard.

Grinding your teeth at night can also pose several different threats to your oral health. It could result in chips and fractures on the biting surfaces of your teeth. It could even cause the TMJ disorder in the joints that hinge your mouth. In some cases, stress relief techniques or using a night guard when you sleep can help.

It’s also wise to stock your first-aid kit with a few common oral healthcare items like waxed floss, salt packets and topical oral analgesic. Keeping this items readily at hand will help you be prepared for some common oral emergencies.

If you have questions about how prevent oral trauma and dental emergencies in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, you can always call 319-294-2323 to speak to a member of our Premier Dental staff.